
Getting Set Up in Your New Apartment


3 minutes - Article

You signed a lease for an apartment or basement suite, congrats! This is a big accomplishment and you should feel proud. Now what?

Moving into your own place can seem a bit overwhelming, but there are lots of things you can do to make it easier. This includes finding free and secondhand items.

Buy things slowly

You’ll need some things right away, but you won’t be able to get everything you want all at once. It’s perfectly fine to buy things slowly over time, whenever you can afford it. Avoid getting payday loans to buy big ticket items like couches or TV’s for your new place. Money is precious and it’s much better to spend it on food and necessities - not fancy furniture.

Some of the first things you’ll need are a mattress and sheets, cleaning supplies, and hygiene items like shampoo and soap. You can usually find the best deals for cleaning supplies and hygiene items at the dollar store. Use the Apartment Starter Kit Checklist and look for items in the Bathroom and Cleaning sections. These items should always be purchased new.

Don't be afraid to ask for free stuff

Other things will be fine to get secondhand, including furniture, dishes, and pots and pans. It’s ok to ask friends and family if they have household items they want to get rid of. You may even be doing them a favor by taking it off their hands!

Another option for free items are websites like Craigslist, Kijiji, and Facebook, just remember to be careful. Pay attention to what the description says about the condition of the item or ask the seller if the posting doesn't say. Free is great, but you don’t want to bring home things that are broken, moldy, smelly, or just plain gross. Remember, when picking up items from people on these websites, meet in a public place or bring a friend with you.

Secondhand items are great

If you can’t find something for free, the next option is to find it used. Stores like Value Village, Goodwill, and the Salvation Army are great for things like dishes, cutlery, lamps, furniture, artwork and other odds and ends. Just like anything else you buy used, remember to clean and disinfect anything you get before you use it.

Above all, have fun creating a home for yourself that makes you feel proud and comfortable. Welcome home!

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