
Need a Criminal Record Check?


2 minutes - Article

Do you have a criminal record and are concerned about how it may affect your job search?

Finding a job can be hard enough. If you have a criminal record you can still get good jobs. The important thing is to be open and honest on job applications. The Alberta career and training website alis has some great information on finding work with a criminal record. From their website:

Do you have a criminal record?

Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence? You may have been asked these questions in an application form or job interview. Employers ask questions like these. They may also conduct police information checks or security screenings. If you have a criminal record, learn how to answer questions without hurting your chances of getting the job offer. Follow these suggestions.

First things first

Questions about criminal charges or convictions on job applications and in interviews can be asked. In Alberta, most employers are legally entitled to ask these questions.

The exception is employers in federally regulated organizations, such as chartered banks and airlines. These employers are governed by the Canadian Human Rights Act. It protects you from discrimination if you’ve been granted a pardon or a record suspension. For a list of federally regulated employers visit the Employment and Social Development Canada website.

Your criminal record can affect your ability to land a job. It may also affect your ability to cross the border as part of your job or study abroad. But your record might not be the only barrier between you and employment. A career and employment counsellor can help you with these challenges. Start by calling the Alberta Supports Contact Centre toll-free province wide at 1-877-644-9992.

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